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What I Love

I’ve written a lot of things. Stories, essays, poems, songs. Typically, these have ended up in one of two categories: “this is garbage, I hate it,” or “someone else says this is good so I guess it’s good.” I’ve also made a lot of music. Mostly amateurly, though on rare occasions professionally. But these performances have tended to fall into the same two categories: “this is garbage, I hate it,” or “someone else says this is good so I guess it’s good.” But increasingly, over… Read More »What I Love


I’ve been reflecting on my creative output over the last year. Yes, we put out an EP and we planned and executed a release event. But as far as writing, which I consider kind of a core aspect of my personality and sense of self, I only wrote about 30 non-EP blog posts, and I don’t think I finished a single new song. Not to say my creative self didn’t get any exercise, between putting together arrangements and recording and rehearsing and performing, but it’s… Read More »Spark

Christmas Makes Me Cry

I really like Christmas music. It’s probably my favourite (genre-crossing) “genre.” I like the sleigh bells and the half-diminished chords and the general preoccupation with nostalgia. I like the self-indulgent arrangements just on principle. I like that Christmas songs pull at your emotions, especially because, at this time of year I tend to get a little1 overwhelmed and sometimes have the impression that my emotions are stuck or even missing altogether. So I have a lot of favourite Christmas songs, including (I’m not ashamed to admit)… Read More »Christmas Makes Me Cry

More Room in My Head

Leading up to the show, I had so many things on my mind – more than once I drew the comparison between organizing the show and planning a wedding, and I don’t think I was exaggerating as much as it might have sounded like I was exaggerating. My poor brain was packed full of details, most especially because this was our first time doing anything like this. Well, it’s over, and although at first there was some weird stress surrounding the idea that we had… Read More »More Room in My Head


The whole thing is out today! Our entire EP is now available on Spotify, Apple Music/iTunes, Amazon Music and YouTube Music. We really appreciate any time you’re willing to spend listening to these songs! We worked so hard on them and we’re so proud of the results. We’d also very much appreciate anyone who might consider coming out to the release event Sunday evening! We’ve got a great band and a great opening act and a bunch of great music, and I think it will be fun.… Read More »WHOLEHEARTEDLY

Come Around

Our second single is now available for listening on the front page of our website, on our YouTube channel, and from major streaming services! Please have a listen and then, should you care to learn more about where the song comes from, come back here and read all about it! High school isn’t easy for anyone, wasn’t easy for me I know some people love high school, but I’m not entirely sure that I would buy it if they said it was easy. I think there’s… Read More »Come Around

Songs I’ll Never Sing

Content Warning: some mention of death and dying I write a lot of songs, and plenty of them will never see the light of day because they’re just not very good. Promise not to procrastinate‘Cause I can’t waitTo be the one you can’t avoidYou’re making me feel paranoidYou’re out to get me, got me thinking ‘bout what happens nextFrom the time our eyes meet to all the restIt’s the best -yes, I wrote this, and I don’t want to talk about it But there is… Read More »Songs I’ll Never Sing

Music and Lyrics

A melody is like seeing someone for the first time… But then, as you get to know the person, that’s the lyrics. Their story. Who they are underneath. It’s the combination of the two that makes it magical. –Music and Lyrics If pressed, in the great debate of music vs. lyrics, I might say I fall on the lyrics side… by a hair. And only because words are maybe a bit easier for me to analyse and understand. Really, though, my opinion on the matter… Read More »Music and Lyrics

Imposter Syndrome:

The Gift That Keeps on Giving Doesn’t Know When to Quit Recently we both registered with SOCAN1 in preparation for the release2 of the EP. It’s brought up a whole lot of feelings: excitement, anticipation, impatience, and pride, but also anxiety, insecurity, guilt, dread, and doubt. I thought I’d take some time to revisit the idea of imposter syndrome and unpack where some of these feelings are coming from, what they mean, and how I can keep them from stopping me.3 I think the first group of emotions is… Read More »Imposter Syndrome:


We bought stickers from one of those custom branding places where you upload your logo and you can put it on all kinds of merchandise. We just thought, “I wonder if we could get stickers printed,” and then we did. Three sheets of twenty. We had a coupon code and took it out of the EP budget and in the grand scheme of things it wasn’t too bad. Why do we need stickers? Well, officially, we’re going to stick them on all our equipment and… Read More »Stickers