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Bear Hunt

You may (or may not) be familiar with some version of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, by Michael Rosen. The story begins, We’re going on a bear hunt.We’re going to catch a big one.What a beautiful day!We’re not scared. The terrain is varied and difficult, and at each point the children have to decide how to tackle it. I learned a variation as a chant at Brownie camp and didn’t even realize it was a book until, years later, I did a search for the… Read More »Bear Hunt

HALLOWE’EN (Or, And now back to your regularly scheduled programming)

(Written mostly on Monday, Oct. 30) I love Hallowe’en. My “favourite holiday” is a bit of a moving target, but Hallowe’en often appears in the crosshairs. (Other contenders include the secular part of Christmas and also whichever one is coming up next.) I hate being scared. I really do. I take no joy in haunted houses, think jump scares are one of the worst things ever occur to a filmmaker, and I think that as an adult I might like The Nightmare Before Christmas but… Read More »HALLOWE’EN (Or, And now back to your regularly scheduled programming)