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I’m pretty sure that somebody said that the first rule of inspiration is to be there when it happens, but my skill with Google is insufficient to track such a quote down. Let’s say, I may have been the originator of the sentiment, and if I was, I’m both impressed and disappointed. It’s true though, isn’t it? Unusual things happen all the time, and usual things happen even more often. But if somebody’s not looking at the right spot in the right light at the exact right… Read More »Inspiration

A-DAW-rable: Baby Steps in Logic

I’m in a place right now where I’m wanting to pour a whole lot of information into my head at once. I want to be able to create beautifully finished home recordings, and I’m just not sure if that’s a thing that’s in my future. I’ve written before about The Buzz. Basically, it’s what I call the combination of anxiety and bipolar cognition problems that, more often than I’d like, prevents me from accomplishing whatever it is I’m striving for. Well, The Buzz is the… Read More »A-DAW-rable: Baby Steps in Logic