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What I Love

I’ve written a lot of things. Stories, essays, poems, songs. Typically, these have ended up in one of two categories: “this is garbage, I hate it,” or “someone else says this is good so I guess it’s good.” I’ve also made a lot of music. Mostly amateurly, though on rare occasions professionally. But these performances have tended to fall into the same two categories: “this is garbage, I hate it,” or “someone else says this is good so I guess it’s good.” But increasingly, over… Read More »What I Love


I’ve been reflecting on my creative output over the last year. Yes, we put out an EP and we planned and executed a release event. But as far as writing, which I consider kind of a core aspect of my personality and sense of self, I only wrote about 30 non-EP blog posts, and I don’t think I finished a single new song. Not to say my creative self didn’t get any exercise, between putting together arrangements and recording and rehearsing and performing, but it’s… Read More »Spark


For more information on self-compassion please (and please do) check out I was introduced to the idea of self-compassion, via Dr. Kristin Neff’s 2013 TEDx Talk, by the psychologist I was seeing in the mid-2010s. I was struggling more then than I am now. I was also not in a great place, executive function-wise,1 and generally speaking, I figured that made me a pretty bad human being. In a session with this psychologist, I was berating myself for something or other, and she suddenly asked… Read More »Self-Compassion


CW: brief discussion of suicidal ideation This week I want to talk about what it feels like to be a burden even when the people in your life try to tell you that you’re not, and why it’s actually okay to be a burden sometimes. I’m telling you ahead of time where I’m going with this because I don’t want anyone to get stuck in the first half, not make it to the last bit, and lose hope. So that’s where I’m headed. Hope. I… Read More »Burden