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What I Love

I’ve written a lot of things. Stories, essays, poems, songs. Typically, these have ended up in one of two categories: “this is garbage, I hate it,” or “someone else says this is good so I guess it’s good.” I’ve also made a lot of music. Mostly amateurly, though on rare occasions professionally. But these performances have tended to fall into the same two categories: “this is garbage, I hate it,” or “someone else says this is good so I guess it’s good.” But increasingly, over… Read More »What I Love

EP Release Retrospective

Well, Sunday was the night of the EP release event and I have some thoughts. I originally imagined presenting the Good, Bad, and Ugly of it all, but I decided to reframe it this way. The Easy The Difficult The Learning Experiences Finally I (probably) have lots more to say about this topic. If you have questions, ask me! Also, some people have asked if it’s possible to buy the EP. Well, there are no physical copies, but if you don’t have access to one… Read More »EP Release Retrospective

Songs I’ll Never Sing

Content Warning: some mention of death and dying I write a lot of songs, and plenty of them will never see the light of day because they’re just not very good. Promise not to procrastinate‘Cause I can’t waitTo be the one you can’t avoidYou’re making me feel paranoidYou’re out to get me, got me thinking ‘bout what happens nextFrom the time our eyes meet to all the restIt’s the best -yes, I wrote this, and I don’t want to talk about it But there is… Read More »Songs I’ll Never Sing

Music and Lyrics

A melody is like seeing someone for the first time… But then, as you get to know the person, that’s the lyrics. Their story. Who they are underneath. It’s the combination of the two that makes it magical. –Music and Lyrics If pressed, in the great debate of music vs. lyrics, I might say I fall on the lyrics side… by a hair. And only because words are maybe a bit easier for me to analyse and understand. Really, though, my opinion on the matter… Read More »Music and Lyrics

Vocal Rest

We’ve been sick for much of this month so far. And it’s the worst kind of sick, the kind that affects your voice. As of this writing, I haven’t been able to sing for more than a week. I rely heavily on singing to get me through my life. I sing in the shower, which is just about the only way for me to get through a shower without coming out the other side clean-but-miserable. I sing in the car, to keep myself both calm… Read More »Vocal Rest

Love It or Hate It

I have a complicated relationship with my voice, which I don’t think is uncommon among singers. In fact, I think a complicated relationship with your skills and talents is not uncommon regardless of what they might be. Sometimes I love my voice. I can hear power and strength, softness, tenderness, clarity. I can hear all the work I’ve put into learning how to use it. I can hear the emotion I’m trying to convey. And I really, really love it. Other times I hate my… Read More »Love It or Hate It