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social anxiety

Out of My Depth

Imagine this. For the sake of argument, you are not a very strong swimmer. But you do like to be in the water, so you get yourself an ENORMOUS flutter board and you take it out to the lake or the pool and you flutter your way out of the shallows. Then you stand on your enormous flutter board. And it’s a bit of a struggle, as anyone who has tried to stand on a flutter board will tell you, but eventually you get yourself… Read More »Out of My Depth

Slippery Slope

Have you ever run down a steep hill? Maybe it was a sidewalk, maybe it was a sand dune. Maybe it was a grassy knoll. Doesn’t matter, the principle is (more or less) the same. When you’re running down a steep hill, you’re never really totally in control. Maybe your heels are skidding as you try to keep from falling over. Maybe you’re running faster than you really intended to because, well, gravity, I guess. Maybe you can see that when you get to the… Read More »Slippery Slope